The next thing,is my future.(Not sure how this can come second when it is actually more important.heheh) . In few more days,I will go back to Tapah for my last semester in diploma. Mannnn,time sure flies. Im so grateful for my last semester result despite it being so hard,am grateful also for my muet despite kene pi Kuala Kangsar semata nak ambik muet! And I am hoping the best for the next semester. Now the main issue is, after diploma what do i do???? What to take for degree???? I don't even knowww,thats what make it hard for me. Im just so scared...sometimes.. to think about what the future holds for me. Whatever it is, I hope it is a good one!
ok now allow me to go back to my real life and continue convincing myself that I look beautiful even with the pimples,and also telling myself I will get a course that is good for me for my degree. That will make myself feels better,atleast for now! heheh.
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