Now its already been a week since the end of first semester,and ive got mixed feelings about the finals. hehe. Hmm , im glad i survived the first sem well despite its my first time living far from home. Im excited as well for another 4 semesters! So all in all,this 4 months++ have treated me so well. In Pilah, i have met so many people,learn so many new things, and feel so many different feelings. ecewahh. hehe. I am so grateful for everything,Alhamdullilah. I am also very glad to have super cool classmates which is 1L2. It takes so little time for us to get along. They are also so helpful in every way. Blessed to meet them. And I hope to have the same classmates in Tapah.(Will transfer to new campus next sem!)
Sooo,next is about my housemates. In a house there is six of us,including me. And... though theres few of us doesnt really get along well with each other(my super weird roomate,lol) , i am happy to get to know them. You know,its here in uni where you can get to know so many type of people. My housemates also is one of the biggest factor i am fine in Pilah, they help me a lot in every way. They act as my private tutor,my bestfriend,and also my mom sometimes. hehehe. Thank you for everything girls,i hope we can meet again some day! heheh.
Soooo, last 3 days , it was my birthday,another great birthday,so glad im already home by that time. So glad that i could celebrate it with my family. As a gift,i received a new super cool watch! thank you so much mama ayah! And also a cake of course. Anddd, i never thought this would happen but my big family also prepared a surprise for meee! I never thought that would happen! Seee! im so blessed with such nice people around me,alhamdullilah!
Sooo,during this sem break, i dont have any plan other than to completed my driving license,oh man it is really a big burden to me! aaaaaaa :(
I thinks thats all for this post,will try to update more often! I end this post with few pictures okay! heheh.
My beloved faculty. Heheh
My beloved classmates